2024 Virtual R.I. Food System Summit


Virtual Meeting: https://web.uri.edu/food-center/foodsummit24/

From Seed to Shore: Powering Environmental Stewardship Through Innovative Food System Practices.

The University of Rhode Island is hosting the eighth annual Rhode Island Food System Summit on Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2024, from 9 a.m. to noon. Join government, academic, business, and community partners as we discuss how we can employ innovative practices within our food system to support greater environmental stewardship.


This year’s event will be virtual and will feature a range of speakers, including Janet Coit, the assistant administrator for fisheries at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (and former director of the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management); Julianne Stelmaszyk, director of food strategy for the Rhode Island Commerce Corporation; and Beth Alaimo and Sara Wuerstle from Ocean Hour Farm, a farm in Newport that serves as a living example of sustainable agriculture and land stewardship.


Registration will begin Nov. 27.


Following the summit, we will host several in-person events focusing on different topics discussed at the 2024 Food System Summit. We will add more information about these events soon, and we hope you will consider joining us.

Contact: For more information, please contact Katie McGwin at kmcgwin@uri.edu.