SENA 2025

The Rhode Island Commerce Corporation (Rhode Island Commerce), in collaboration with the Rhode Island Seafood Marketing Collaborative (SMC) will be highlighting the businesses that make up the Ocean State’s seafood scene at the Seafood Expo North America (SENA), in March of 2025.
RI Seafood and RI Commerce are soliciting interest forms from local seafood markets and wholesalers to table with RI Seafood at SENA 2025 in Boston. 2024 had exhibitors from 49 countries and brought more than 19,780 seafood professionals together. Businesses that attended in 2024 made over a combined 150 connections with other seafood buyers and sellers.
While we recognize that attendance and having a booth at SENA can be cost prohibitive, we have secured sufficient funding to provide branded, professional booth space for businesses to attend, table, and conduct meetings. We are requesting that interested businesses match a small portion of this investment to attend. If you are a RI Seafood business and would like to join us, look at the packages available on the flyer below to decide what level would best accommodate your needs, review the business expectations for attending SENA at the RI Seafood booth, and fill out the interest form linked below!
Available Packages

Business Expectations
Listed below are all of the requirements for businesses attending SENA at the RI Seafood booth. Please read thoroughly as expectations for businesses have changed since our first year of attending the show.
All partners are expected to co-advertise attendance at SENA on social media and marketing platforms leading up to and at the show.
RI Seafood will help provide branded materials and social media posts for each business.
Big Fish Package
Businesses interested in the “Big Fish Package” are expected to be in attendance of the show all three (3) days. Absence from the show will prevent future partnership at SENA.
Businesses are expected to provide their own staff and materials for the table.
No raw seafood will be allowed on the tables.
Pre-made and packaged materials that do not need refrigeration will be allowed.
Smooth Sailing Package
Businesses interested in the “Smooth Sailing” package will work with RI Seafood to secure meeting space, times, and dates.
Businesses agree that the dedicated meeting space will be shared among four (4) other businesses and collaboration for times and space will be required.
RI Seafood agrees to manage the timing of meetings and ensure a smooth transition and use of the space.
All Partners
Business partners acknowledge that they are sharing branded space with RI Seafood, Commerce, and other RI Seafood businesses and are not granted exclusive use of the entire booth.
Partners will agree to share the gained business data with RI Seafood and RI Commerce. We will use this data to provide further justification for this program.
Partners will agree to fill out a post-SENA survey regarding the show and their participation in this program.
Partners will be expected to attend pre-planning meetings prior to SENA.
All partners are expected to pay for their own scanners at the show.
Travel and lodging for the show are not included and are the responsibility of the businesses.
Interest Form
Filling out the interest form does not guarantee your attendance at the RI Seafood booth in 2025. RI Seafood will be in touch regarding your interest form to discuss what package best fits your business needs. All businesses should read through the SENA Business Expectations, provided above, before completing the interest form.
Click Here!FAQs
Seafood Expo North America/Seafood Processing North America is North America’s largest seafood exposition. Thousands of buyers and suppliers from around the world attend the annual, three-day exhibition to meet, network, and do business. Attending buyers represent importers, exporters, wholesalers, restaurants, supermarkets, hotels, and other retail and foodservice companies. Exhibiting suppliers offer the newest seafood products, processing and packaging equipment, and services available in the seafood market.
SENA 2025 will take place from Sunday, March 16th through Tuesday, March 18th at the Boston Convention Center.
No, travel and lodging for the show are not included and are the responsibility of the businesses.
No, attendees must acquire their own lead scanner.
Please send any additional questions or concerns regarding SENA 2025 to Molly Moran-Ogren at