Ikejime Training


  • Date & time: Sep 6th (rain date: Sep 9th) at 11 AM. Wrap up by 3 PM.
  • Location: 55 State St, Narragansett (Pt Judith).
    • 2F Conference room in Superior Trawl building.
  • Lecture on the science of ikejime and hands-on practice with live fish!
    • Hands-on practice will be done outside.
  • This training is part of a research project led by the University of Rhode Island. Participants will be asked to take a 15-minutes survey on a voluntary basis.

What Is Ikejime?

Ikejime is a traditional Japanese slaughter technique that requires the handler to kill a fish using a manual brain spike thrust into the fish’s brain cavity, bleeding, spinal cord destruction, and chilling the fish. The result is a high quality product that does not smell, has no stained color, and has a longer shelf life that can even age. Ikejime can be performed to any fish, including black sea bass, scup, fluke, tautog, and sea robin.

Project Partners:

University of Rhode Island, Eating with the Ecosystem, Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation, Commercial Fisheries Center of Rhode Island, Fearless Fish Market, Sustainable Fisheries LLC, and South County Fish Monger.